ASH 2020; Happy Docs; mRNA TechnologyDecember 15, 2020 | Oncology Allergy & Immunology These Doctor Specialties are the Happiest The year 2020 has been long and trying, and MDLinx conducted a COVID-19 survey of US physicians and found that nearly half of doctors are rethinking their careers. Still, it is important to consider that many physicians still find joy and fulfillment in practicing medicine. But who are the happiest? Here is what the Medscape Physician Lifestyle & Happiness Report 2020 had to say. Read full article Family Medicine/General Practice ASH Annual Meeting: Does High-Dose Methotrexate Protect the CNS in High-Risk DLBCL? The possible answer was presented during the 2020 ASH Annual Meeting, bringing into question whether current recommendations for prophylactic intravenous high-dose methotrexate — the most widely adopted method for CNS relapse prevention — are appropriate for all patients at high risk of a CNS relapse. Read full article Allergy & Immunology Want to Know More About mRNA Before Your COVID Jab? The first doses of COVID-19 vaccines will be arriving in a few weeks, both of which use messenger RNA (mRNA) technology to induce an immune response. Biologically, mRNA is transcribed from DNA and travels into a cell’s cytoplasm where it is translated by ribosomes into proteins. For those who want more information on the history and science of mRNA vaccines and therapeutics, here’s a primer. Read full article