Attacking the DO, H&N Cancer, Reducing BurnoutOctober 19, 2020 | Trending in Healthcare Allergy & Immunology Attacks on Osteopathic Medicine are Attacks on All Physicians In this article/podcast from, the physician authors describe their distress upon hearing and reading the recent disparaging comments about osteopathic medicine, which attacked Navy Commander Dr. Sean Conley, DO, the Physician of the President: “When someone challenges the validity of a legitimate medical degree, the entire house of medicine is under attack.” Read full article Allergy & Immunology 3 Tips for Reducing Physician Burnout Medscape’s National Physician Burnout and Suicide Report 2020, which surveyed more than 15,000 physicians (prior to the COVID-19 pandemic), found 42% of those interviewed admitted to feeling burned out. Burnout has many causes, but also many solutions. Here are three tips to help you cope on an individualized level. Read full article Internal Medicine Eddie Van Halen’s Head and Neck Cancer In this Celebrity Diagnosis opinion piece from MedPage Today, the author discusses the legendary guitarist’s original throat cancer diagnosis, its possible causes – including Eddie’s own theory — and how it spread to other parts of his head and neck. The article also examines the risks, symptoms, and treatment options of head and neck cancers. Read full article