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MDLinx70 Deaths Linked to the Organ Transplant and Procurement Network, Prompting Reform

The Organ Transplant and Procurement Network (OTPN) is set to undergo modernization and improvement after being criticized for lack of transparency, long waits, mishandling of organs, and the number of people who die on the waitlist each year. The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) has launched the OTPN modernization project, which will focus on accountability. The current system is outdated and has been responsible for 70 deaths between 2010 and 2020, according to a 2022 senate report. The HRSA plans to take steps, such as creating a new dashboard, to provide transparency and better serve patients and their families. Additional modernization will focus on overhauling the operations of the OTPN system to ensure higher compliance and a greater focus on patient safety.

Organ transplants and the OTPN disproportionately affect the Black community in the US. About 30% of the ONTP waitlist is Black Americans, and about 90% are waiting for kidney transplants. The HRSA’s plan hopes to address the inequality by improving accountability, transparency, and systems of organ retrieval and matching. The changes will benefit patients, and physicians might be able to see more of their patients receive the life-saving transplants they need.