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Clinical TrialsNow is the Time to Fix the Clinical Research Workforce Crisis

Addressing the Crisis: Reinventing the Clinical Research Workforce

The clinical research enterprise, the backbone of medical advancement, is at a crossroads. A deep-seated crisis in the workforce threatens to halt progress, demanding urgent, systemic solutions.

Key Points:
  • The clinical research workforce is facing a crisis due to a widening gap between supply and demand for competent staff.
  • This crisis is jeopardizing the “engine” of drug and device development.
  • The problem is global and is most apparent among site-based clinical research staff.
  • The shortage of clinical research professionals (CRPs) has reached a crisis point, with potential to curtail medical advances.
  • The crisis is due to a lack of professional identity, career infrastructure, and training programs for CRPs.
  • The pressure on the clinical research workforce is set to intensify due to an increase in the number of clinical trials, rise in trial complexity, and demand for new technology.
  • Solutions lie in creating a strong identity for CRPs, establishing a global standard for training, raising awareness of the profession, and ensuring a diverse workforce.

“Now is the time to fix the evidence generation system.”

US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Commissioner Robert M. Califf in January 2023