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JCO Oncology Practice (JCO OP) publishes impactful information and insights to keep oncology practice current on changes and challenges inherent in delivering equitable, high-quality oncology care with an evolving value-based lens. All content dealing with understanding the provision of care—the mechanics of practice, care delivery, quality improvement, value, and equity—is the purview of JCO OPJCO OP also addresses an expressed need by practicing physicians to have compressed, expert opinion addressing common clinical problems with perspectives by disease experts. JCO OP is a monthly journal, with a total of 12 issues per year. The Journal’s ISSNs are 2688-1535 (online, version of record) and 2688-1527 (print)

JCO OP‘s content focuses on care delivery from various perspectives, including quality and value of care, improvement science, health services research, business and socioeconomics, performance of clinical trials, professionalism and ethics, and health policy. JCO OP‘s audience and contributors include all those involved in oncology care delivery, such as physicians, nurses, pharmacists, practice managers, business researchers, policy experts, and payers. Contributions address all settings of oncology care, including institutional, academic, and private practice. JCO OP strives to advance our profession’s scientific tradition with new evidence to guide practice, since the details of delivery of care are critical to its quality. While the Journal often focuses on policy and delivery issues in the United States these topics know no geographical or philosophical borders, and all countries/health systems have insights to contribute.