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Dentistry TodayThe Do’s and Don’t’s of Single-shade Composites in the Smile Zone

Unveiling the Art and Technique of Direct Composite Restoration

The world of dentistry is witnessing a surge in the popularity of direct composite restoration of anterior teeth, driven by demand for minimally invasive procedures. This article provides a case study examining the nuances of single-shade composites, highlighting common errors and providing guidance for optimum results.

HCN Medical Memo
For dental professionals, understanding the intricacies of single-shade composites is crucial in delivering aesthetically pleasing and durable restorations. By adhering to the principles outlined in this article, practitioners can enhance their technique, avoid common pitfalls, and ultimately provide better care — and results — to their patients.

Key Points

  • The most common direct composite restorations on anterior teeth are Class IV fracture repairs and adding incisal length.
  • A common mistake is having a show-through of the incisal edge against the more translucent composite.
  • The advent of new single-shade composite systems simplifies tooth color matching without complicated layering.
  • Two basic principles for a successful direct composite restoration are proper inciso-facial bevel and correct application of the single-shade composite system.
  • The single-shade composite system obtains its color from the underlying tooth structure.

Dental composites have been used for over half a century, with the first introduced by Rafael Bowen in the 1960s.

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