Leveraging Clinical Decision Support Tools for Optimized Cancer Care Delivery
For oncologists, navigating the complicated world of cancer treatment can be a challenging undertaking. Clinical decision support tools like Flatiron Assist may be able to help as they offer better instructions and make it possible to administer high-quality care.
Key Points:
- The study evaluates the use of Flatiron Assist (FA), a clinical decision support (CDS) tool, in aiding oncologists to select and document treatment regimens.
- The study analyzed 16,722 orders for breast, non-small cell lung, and colon cancers over 11 months, placed by 522 clinicians across 12 US-based sites and did not consider variations between early-stage and late-stage disease.
- An NCCN Preferred option was available for 58.5% of the orders placed where NCCN Preferred was available.
- A custom preferred pathway was available for 71.1% of the orders placed where a custom preferred pathway was available, indicating a higher relative coverage.
- The study suggests that custom preferred pathways can provide clearer guidance in cases where NCCN Preferred is not available.
- The study does not account for treatment orders placed outside of the CDS tool, potentially biasing the results; self-selected deployment of the CDS tool at the clinic and physician level limits the generalizability of the findings.
“Given the increasing complexity of the oncology treatment landscape, this study found that utilizing a customizable CDS tool like FA provides an opportunity for custom preferred pathways to optimize cancer treatment ordering in cases where NCCN guidelines are less clear and that regardless of the pathway in place, providers order preferred treatment options a large majority of the time.”
Study Conclusion