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Epoch HealthCancers Appearing in Ways Never Before Seen After COVID Vaccinations: Dr. Harvey Risch

Controversial Claims Link Increased Cancer Rates to COVID-19 Vaccination

Amid ongoing vaccination efforts, Dr. Harvey Risch, a professor emeritus of epidemiology at the Yale School of Public Health, suggests a worrying pattern: an increase in certain types of cancer following COVID-19 vaccination. Although Dr. Risch emphasizes the preliminary nature of these findings, the assertions have raised significant concern and debate within the medical community.

HCN Medical Memo
For physicians, these controversial claims merit careful scrutiny and comprehensive research. At present, the evidence linking COVID-19 vaccines to increased cancer rates is largely anecdotal and lacks peer-reviewed validation. Before altering vaccination protocols, the medical community must prioritize rigorously conducted studies to evaluate Dr. Risch’s assertions critically.

Key Points
  • Dr. Harvey Risch claims that there is evidence of cancers developing at an increased rate after COVID-19 vaccination.
  • The increased cases of cancer include what Risch terms “turbo cancers,” which are unusually aggressive and manifest in younger people without a family history of the disease.
  • He argues that COVID-19 vaccines have done varying degrees of damage to the immune systems of some individuals, which could contribute to a higher risk of developing cancer.
  • Official medical agencies do not count someone as vaccinated until two weeks after receiving the vaccine. However, serious adverse effects are reported within the first four days.
  • Physicians have expressed skepticism and caution regarding Dr. Risch’s claims, emphasizing the need for peer-reviewed research to substantiate the allegations.

“We live in social contact with each other and therefore spread low-level infections. This is part of human life that we take for granted and we try to treat it the best we can. That’s how we should be managing this.”
– Dr. Harvey Risch, Professor Emeritus of Epidemiology in the Department of Epidemiology and Public Health at the Yale School of Public Health and Yale School of Medicine

Additional Points
  • Dr. Risch criticizes public health decisions made during the pandemic, claiming they have been a “colossal failure.”
  • He believes that new COVID variants are mild and not life-threatening, arguing against the necessity of mRNA vaccinations.

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