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Healthgrades for Professionals
Thanks to the Internet, more consumers than ever before are exposed to misleading, fraudulent medical hoaxes. These are five of the major culprits out there. Combat the misinformation for your patients and replace it with trustworthy, evidence-based research.
Allergy & Immunology July 13th 2020
Published on the AUA website and developed by a panel of experts from these three groups as well as representation from the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) and a patient advocate, 38 recommendations are listed across the care continuum of advanced disease.
Geriatrics July 6th 2020
JAMA Network
This JAMA “Viewpoint” describes how to interpret two types of diagnostic tests commonly in use for SARS-CoV-2 infections—reverse transcriptase–polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and IgM and IgG enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)—and how the results may vary over time.
Allergy & Immunology May 11th 2020
Hospitalized patients who had advanced COVID-19 with lung involvement and who received the antiviral agent remdesivir (Gilead Sciences) recovered faster than similar patients who received placebo, according to a preliminary data analysis from a US-led randomized, controlled trial.
Family Medicine/General Practice May 4th 2020
A comprehensive guide from the American Medical Association (AMA), which includes information for those who want to support communities severely impacted by COVID-19, including the how and where to volunteer and all things to consider.
Allergy & Immunology April 13th 2020