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The Journal of the National Cancer Institute (print ISSN: 0027-8874, online ISSN: 1460-2105) is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes 12 issues per year in print and online. The journal publishes manuscripts that describe novel findings of significance in cancer research with a particular focus on clinical, epidemiologic, behavioral, and health outcomes studies. Submission of reviews, minireviews, and commentaries are welcome.

For eight decades, JNCI has been among the leading journals in oncology and cancer sciences. JNCI is an international peer-reviewed and impactful journal which publishes manuscripts describing novel findings of significance in cancer research. Published research often has a particular focus on clinical, epidemiologic, behavioral, and health outcomes studies. There are many reasons to submit your research to JNCI, including a rigorous but rapid review process of submitted research, so that findings of high scientific and global medical interest can be published with minimum delay.