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Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine (CCJM)Mondor Disease of the Breast

A Benign Condition with a Distinct Presentation, Mondor Disease Often Resolves Spontaneously but Requires Thorough Evaluation to Rule Out Underlying Conditions

A 43-year-old woman’s presentation of a tender, cord-like lesion in her breast led to a diagnosis of Mondor disease, a benign but often concerning condition. The case underscores the importance of accurate diagnosis and patient reassurance, as the condition typically resolves on its own.

HCN Medical Memo
This case serves as a reminder that Mondor disease of the breast, while benign, requires a comprehensive evaluation to rule out underlying conditions such as breast cancer. It’s crucial to provide patient reassurance and avoid unnecessary investigations, as the condition often resolves spontaneously.

Key Points:
  • The patient presented with a 2-week history of pain and skin tightness over the right breast, with no prior history of breast-related surgeries or trauma.
  • Doppler ultrasonography supported the diagnosis of Mondor disease, revealing a noncompressible, dilated, subcutaneous vein without flow.
  • The condition resolved within 4 weeks without medication, and a 6-month follow-up showed no recurrence.
  • Perspectives: Physicians note that while Mondor disease is generally benign, a thorough breast evaluation including diagnostic imaging is crucial to rule out underlying conditions like breast cancer.

Mondor disease occurs most commonly in women in their third to fifth decades, with an incidence ranging from 0.08% to 0.94% in studies conducted in Greece, Ghana, and China.

Additional Points:
  • In 45% of cases, the cause is idiopathic, while traumatic and iatrogenic causes account for 22% and 20% respectively.
  • Although rare, Mondor disease can be associated with breast cancer in 11.7% of cases and should not rule out the presence of a tumor.

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