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ReachMDSerotonin Booster Increases Functional Brain Connectivity

Probing the Pro-Cognitive Potential of Prucalopride: An Eye-Opening Inquiry into Cognitive Enhancement

In an intriguing development in neuropsychiatric research, scientists have examined the neurological impacts of prucalopride, a laxative known to activate serotonin receptors, on cognitive function and mood regulation.

Key Points:

  • Serotonin receptors, especially 5-HT4-type receptors, are key targets for antidepressants and influence cognitive function and mood regulation.
  • Prucalopride, a selective agonist of the 5-HT4 serotonin receptor, has shown promising results in enhancing cognitive function.
  • A study on 50 healthy adults found increased functional connectivity in cognitive networks in the prucalopride group as compared to a placebo group.

Additional Points:

  • There was increased functional connectivity between major cognitive networks, specifically the central executive network and regions of the ACC and lateral occipital cortex.
  • A decrease in functional connectivity was observed in the default mode network in participants taking prucalopride.
  • Participants on prucalopride scored higher in cognitive tests on the day of scanning than those on placebo, suggesting this could be a ‘signature’ of a cognition-improving drug.


  • Prucalopride’s effects on the brain’s cognitive networks could signify its potential as a treatment for depression and cognitive impairment, warranting further research into 5-HT4 serotonin receptor-targeting drugs.

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“Our previous studies on prucalopride demonstrated that even at low clinical doses it can improve cognition and memory in healthy volunteers. This latest research provides a neurological mechanism by which this might occur.”

Angharad de Cates, PhD, MRCPsych
University of Oxford