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Hospital Healthcare Europe provides a platform for over 200,000 senior stakeholders in hospitals across Europe to share innovative ideas on how to address their healthcare challenges and ensure they stay up to date with what’s going on in their industry.

Endorsed and supported by the European Hospital Healthcare Federation (HOPE) the digital journal and website is an indispensable resource for best practice information, pan-European guidelines and clinician-authored case studies from leading medical centres in Europe.

We provide clinical news, analysis, expert opinion and the latest research from across Europe through weekly newsletters and a digital journal which is distributed in the summer, as well as being hosted online allowing our readers to continuously access its contents.

Our dynamic combination of market penetration makes Hospital Healthcare Europe the preferred choice for advertisers looking to attract and influence hospital managers. For further information please contact the team on 0207 214 0500, or email

Group Editor: Gemma Collins

Content Director: Secondary Care, Andrea Porter

Art Director: James Depree

Want to write or contribute an article?

Contact Andrea Porter:

T +44 (0) 20 7214 0693