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ACP Internist
On exam, this 19-year-old woman has malar rash characterized by pink-violet papules and plaques with no other physical finding. ANA is positive and urinalysis is remarkable for 3+ blood and protein. What test is the most appropriate next step?
Dermatology January 25th 2023
JAMA Network
The only effective ways to treat TEC are to stop, delay, or modify your patients’ chemotherapy dose. Supportive medications, such as topical keratolytics, wound care, and high-potency topical corticosteroids, respond differently. These medications cause a 2- to 4-week recovery period following the interruption of chemotherapy, which is a somewhat gradual improvement.
Clinical Pharmacology January 9th 2023
Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine
This case review highlights the differential diagnosis with lesions of this kind, together with management and clinical pearls.
Allergy & Immunology November 16th 2022
The New England Journal of Medicine
A 5-year-old boy from China who had IgA vasculitis at age 2 presented with progressively painful skin ulcerations on his extremities for the past month. Find the reason behind the skin lesions on this young boy by answering the image challenge.
Allergy & Immunology November 9th 2022
Clinical Advisor
A 70-year-old woman with a skin lesion on her right temple is referred for assessment. She claims that the site originally came to light about a year ago and has grown in size ever since. An erythematous, fibrotic plaque with a depressed center is discovered during examination. What is the most likely cause of the lesion?
Dermatology September 20th 2022
Medical Professionals Reference (MPR)
A young Black man has been troubled by recurring papules and crusting pustules in the hairline at the back of his neck. What is the disorder and how would you treat it?