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Psychiatry AdvisorYoga is Equivalent to CPT for Military Sexual Trauma PTSD Among Women Veterans

Trauma-Sensitive Yoga: A Promising Alternative in Addressing PTSD in Women Veterans with Military Sexual Trauma

A recent study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association Network Open presents interesting findings in the treatment of PTSD related to military sexual trauma among US women veterans. The study compares the efficacy of Trauma Center Trauma-Sensitive Yoga (TCTSY) with traditional Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT), revealing significant implications for PTSD management, particularly in cases stemming from military sexual trauma. This research opens new avenues in understanding and addressing PTSD, highlighting alternative therapies that may offer increased treatment adherence and effectiveness.

Key Points:

  • Study Overview: The study compared Trauma Center Trauma-Sensitive Yoga (TCTSY) and Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) in treating PTSD among US women veterans who experienced military sexual trauma.
  • Rising PTSD Prevalence: From 2000 to 2015, PTSD prevalence among women in the Veterans Health Administration rose by 300%, with 38% of women veterans experiencing military sexual trauma.
  • Study Design: A multicenter, randomized clinical trial was conducted from December 2015 to April 2022 involving 131 women veterans.
  • Treatment Methods: Participants were divided into two groups: one underwent TCTSY (10 weekly, 60-minute sessions), and the other CPT (12 weekly, 90-minute sessions).
  • Higher Completion Rate: TCTSY demonstrated a significantly higher completion rate (65.3%) compared to CPT (45.8%).
  • Efficacy Comparison: Both TCTSY and CPT groups showed significant reductions in PTSD symptoms as measured by CAPS-5 and PCL-5 scores, with no significant difference in treatment efficacy.
  • Acceptability of TCTSY: The higher completion rate for TCTSY suggests its greater acceptability as a PTSD treatment for the target population.
  • Limitations: The study noted limitations such as the lack of long-term effects analysis and potential bias in unblinded assessors.

“The higher treatment completion rate for TCTSY indicates its higher acceptability as an effective and acceptable PTSD treatment for women veterans with PTSD related to military sexual trauma that could address current VA PTSD treatment limitations.”
– Study Authors

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