Cardiac Risk in Youths | Poker and Physicians | Doctors Being TargetedJune 28, 2021 | Trending in Healthcare Cardiology AAP: All Youth Should Be Screened for Cardiac Risk The recommendations from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) are an update to the group’s 2012 policy statement in an effort to better equip physicians with the necessary knowledge to accurately screen, evaluate, and manage the risk of both sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) and sudden cardiac death (SCD) in youth. Screening for all children, regardless of athletic status, should be completed at least every three years. Read full article Family Medicine/General Practice 7 Things Poker Can Teach You About Being a Doctor Poker is a game of chance and strategy that demands many skills, whether it’s reading a situation, making the appropriate bet, dealing with difficult decisions, or dealing with uncertainty. All of these situations mirror the daily decisions doctors are required to make, and whether you’re a novice at the table or a regular player, here are seven circumstances in the game of poker that can be teaching moments for the physician. Read full article Allergy & Immunology Doctors Beware: There’s a $400,000 Target on Your Back In this article/podcast from, the author encourages readers to make some adjustments in their life to reduce the professional and personal risks associated with the stakeholders who target physicians, including corporate America, the government, patients, and the financial industry. The commentary is a response to President Biden’s multi-trillion spending plan, which targets rich corporations and wealthy individual Americans making more than $400,000. Read full article