HCN Oncology Essentials: ASCO Hepatocellular Carcinoma Guidelines | Clinical Challenges in Blood Cancers & COVID-19 | Why Silence is an ArtSeptember 14, 2021 | Oncology Hepatology ASCO Hepatocellular Carcinoma Guideline Updates Available from Guideline Central, the free, quick-reference print and digital pocket guide covers the most recent American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Hepatocellular Carcinoma Guidelines. Accessed by web and offline mobile devices, the pocket guide covers key points, treatment, first- and second-line therapies, a downloadable PDF, and links to other resources in advanced hepatocellular carcinoma. Read full article Geriatrics On the Absence of Sound How could complete silence possibly be considered music (John Cage’s 4’33”), or a blank canvas a masterpiece of art (Robert Rauschenberg’s White Painting)? This oncology medical student explains how after truly listening to a dying patient’s wishes, the student’s silence provided the canvas for the patient’s thoughts, becoming an advocate for his needs: “Silence is not merely the absence of sound but rather an invitation for others to be heard.” Read full article