HCN Year-in-Review: Physician Voices EssentialsDecember 20, 2021 | Trending in Healthcare Neurology A Neurologist Faces His Alzheimer’s Disease MedPage Today presents this illuminating conversation with Daniel Gibbs, MD, PhD, a retired neurologist and author of the book, A Tattoo on my Brain: A Neurologist’s Personal Battle against Alzheimer’s Disease. In the question-and-answer session, Dr. Gibbs discusses his early diagnosis, his participation in clinical trials, and his experiences and unique perspectives as a neurologist with the disease. Read full article Family Medicine/General Practice A Resignation Letter to My Patients: How Do I Leave You Well? In this KevinMD.com podcast/article, the nurse practitioner sums up their current feelings in the last words of the piece: “If I leave now, I still deal with this for months, plus all of my patient’s grief and feelings of betrayal. If I stay, maybe it will get better. It could hardly get worse. But in the end, I don’t want to lose myself either, and at some point, there has to be a line that is too far. It is just hard to know what that is anymore.” Read full article Allergy & Immunology Sorry, I’m Fed Up. It’s Not Professional, But I Am. An OBGYN voices frustration — “silently cursing behind my mask” – with the patients who “recite a litany of scientifically illiterate reasons for not taking” the COVID-19 vaccine despite its 99%+ effectiveness in keeping them alive. Do you share this doctor’s sentiments? Read full article Allergy & Immunology Doctors Beware: There’s a $400,000 Target on Your Back In this article/podcast from KevinMD.com, the author encourages readers to make some adjustments in their life to reduce the professional and personal risks associated with the stakeholders who target physicians, including corporate America, the government, patients, and the financial industry. The commentary is a response to President Biden’s multi-trillion spending plan, which targets rich corporations and wealthy individual Americans making more than $400,000. Read full article Family Medicine/General Practice Don’t Call Me “Doctor” In this article/podcast from KevinMD.com, Dr. Kristin Yates, an OB/GYN, describes her work as a doctor, which “brings me fulfillment and joy. It makes me a better doctor.” Dr. Yates also explains: “The fact of the matter is, I am not a doctor. I am a human being. Doctoring is what I do, not who I am. This distinction is very important to me because it is what has made medicine sustainable and fulfilling.” Read full article