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Dentistry Today
Discover how Overjet’s AI technology, with its fourth FDA clearance, is setting new standards in the dental industry, enhancing caries detection and treatment planning for patients aged 12 and older.
Dentistry July 17th 2023
Decisions in Dentistry
The difficulties of detecting endodontic-periodontal diseases can be made clearer by examining the complicated relationships between the root canal system and periodontium. This will help clinicians distinguish between similar indications and symptoms and start the right treatment for a successful outcome.
Healthgrades for Professionals
Explore a comprehensive guide to various types of oral cancers, their characteristics, and importance of early detection. Learn how to optimize patient care and improve recovery outcomes.
Dental Economics
Explore the power of introducing a new service in your dental practice. This comprehensive guide outlines the systematic steps you need to take to maximize its potential and boost your practice’s growth.
British Dental Journal (BDJ)
Explore the latest insights into the dental management of patients undergoing radiotherapy for head and neck cancers, particularly the challenges and strategies related to oral complications. Delve into the nuances of preventive care, restorative and rehabilitative management, and the role of research in shaping future practices.
Dentistry June 19th 2023
Guideline Central
Delve into the nuances of vital pulp therapies and explore how an informed, biologic approach can enhance treatment outcomes for children with deep caries lesions. Discover the AAPD’s latest guidelines and redefine your treatment strategies.