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Prova Education

Prova Education, designs and executes continuing education founded on evidence-based medicine, clinical need, gap analysis, learner feedback, and more. Our mission is to serve as an inventive and relevant resource for clinical content and educational interventions across a broad spectrum of specialties.

An area of key focus for Prova is quantifying and qualifying the results of the education we conduct. Our outcomes are designed to prove value for the learner, the grantor, and the CME community at large. Our standard analytics platform is robust, yet nimble enough for customization to measure data of particular significance.  To that end, we measure and report traditional criteria such as competence, performance, and patient outcomes, but we also have methods that allow us to focus on more advanced concerns via behavior flows, predictive analytics, and innovative geo mapping.

Prova Education’s methodology demonstrates a commitment to continuing medical education and the innovative assessment of its effects. Our goal is clear—to develop and deliver the very best education in the most impactful manner and to verify its results with progressive outcomes research.