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Latest From Pediatrics (AAP)

Pediatrics - AAPAAP LogoMission: Encompass the needs of the whole child in his or her physiologic, mental, emotional, and social structure.

Pediatrics is an official peer-reviewed journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). It has been continuously published by the AAP since January 1948. Pediatrics publishes original research, clinical observations, and special feature articles in the field of pediatrics, as broadly defined. Contributions pertinent to pediatrics are also included from related fields such as nutrition, surgery, dentistry, public health, child health services, human genetics, basic sciences, psychology, psychiatry, education, sociology, and nursing.

Pediatrics Editorial Board

Pediatrics has one of the highest impact factors (7.124) in the 2021 Journal Citation Report (from Thomson Reuters). The journal is one of the top 100 most-cited journals in all of science and medicine. Pediatrics is indexed by major biomedical and scientific indices, including Medline/PubMed, and ISI (Thompson). It is also a leading pediatric journal in Eigenfactor (.0.09206) and Cite Score (9.6) studies.