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Our mission is to help people make sense of the complex medical and personal information about breast health and breast cancer, so they can make the best decisions for their lives.


To help our global community of patients and caregivers, we offer free access to:

Trusted educational content

The educational information you find on our website is created by an experienced team of science writers and health journalists. Our advisory board of medical experts ensures our educational resources are accurate, accessible, and actionable for you.

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Research news coverage

Our editors follow the latest clinical research, medical guideline recommendations, and FDA approvals to break down what you need to know in easy-to-understand language.

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Multimedia resources

There are many different ways to learn. Listen to in-depth expert interviews on the Podcast, watch key topics and personal stories brought to life in our award-winning video content, and sign-up to learn live at our recurring virtual webinars.

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Personalized recommendations

When you create a profile with your diagnostic and treatment information, we are able to recommend articles and other content that is most relevant to your unique breast cancer diagnosis and personal situation.

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Community conversation

Connect with a supportive community of people discussing thousands of topics in hundreds of forums on our discussion boards. Our community welcomes anyone and everyone diagnosed with breast cancer, concerned about a breast condition, or caring for a loved one affected by breast cancer.

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Spanish-language resources

We are proud to offer our trusted educational content and host online community discussion forums specifically for our Spanish-speaking visitors in the United States and around the world.



Our founding story

Marisa C. Weiss, MD, founded because cancer patients need more time to ask critical questions about their care than what’s typically provided during a doctor’s appointment.

Today, is an education and support lifeline for millions of people affected by breast cancer. As a digital resource, we’re here for everyone, in all corners of the world, at any time of the day or night. We help people find reliable answers to questions about their risk, diagnosis, treatment plan, surgical options, and more so they can live a full life beyond breast cancer.

The Healthcare Communications Network is owned and operated by IQVIA Inc.

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