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MedTech Dive
Via the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT), medical devices share data with other systems and with physicians, and physicians remotely adjust settings as needed. But the very connectivity that makes the IoMT effective also makes it vulnerable to malicious parties.
All Specialties April 26th 2023
The Medical Futurist
AI is coming to medicine rapidly — likely more rapidly than many practitioners are prepared for. Peruse these six questions and follow the paths that most interest you to ensure you have positioned yourself to ride the coming wave.
In addition to recommending indexes over individual stocks and bonds, other recommendations include a 60/40 split between US and EU, Asia, and emerging markets and a solid “plan B” for physician in retirement, to avoid liquidating investments in a deep downturn.
All Specialties April 25th 2023
TikTok is more than a potential security liability. It is also a valuable tool used by HCPs and their patients. A full ban would mean patients would lose access to useful health information. It also means loss of income and reach for some HCPs, and the ability to fight against misinformation.
Medical Professionals Reference (MPR)
The FDA has authorized the use of the mRNA bivalent COVID-19 vaccine (Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech) for all doses administered to individuals 6 months of age and older. The monovalent vaccines are no longer authorized for use in the US. This simplifies the vaccination schedule and encourages future vaccination. For child vaccination, unvaccinated children may receive a 2-dose series of the Moderna bivalent vaccine (6 months through 5 years) or a 3-dose series of the Pfizer-BioNTech bivalent vaccine (6 months through 4 years). Children who are 5 years old may receive 2 doses of Moderna bivalent vaccine or a single dose of Pfizer-BioNTech bivalent vaccine. For immunocompromised children 6 months through 4 years, eligibility depends on the vaccine previously received. For individuals 5 years of age and older with certain kinds of immunocompromise, a single additional dose of bivalent vaccine may be administered at least 2 months following the initial dose of a bivalent vaccine. Additional doses may be administered at the discretion of the health care provider, taking into consideration the individual’s clinical circumstances.
All Specialties April 24th 2023
Healthgrades for Professionals
No medical professional is required to enjoy a good tickle to the funny bone. Although a pharmacist may tell you that laughing is not the best medicine, these old-fashioned jokes about doctors will undoubtedly make both patients and professionals laugh (or, yes, groan).