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Medical Professionals Reference (MPR)
The approval of empagliflozin opens up a new avenue in CKD treatment. With its proven efficacy in reducing the risk of disease progression by 28%, it offers a promising alternative for healthcare professionals dealing with this prevalent condition.
Endocrinology, Diabetes, Metabolism October 30th 2023
Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine (CCJM)
Explore this comprehensive guide on evaluating a low anion gap and enhance your diagnostic capabilities. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to learn more.
Internal Medicine October 19th 2023
Cancer Therapy Advisor
Discover how SABR is setting a new standard in the treatment of inoperable renal cell carcinoma, offering exceptional cancer control with minimal side effects.
Nephrology October 9th 2023
ACP Internist
Discover the optimal treatment strategy for a 38-year-old woman with an 11-mm kidney stone and renal calyceal dilation. What’s your next move?
Internal Medicine October 4th 2023
Epoch Health
New research reveals elevated levels of toxic heavy metals in marijuana users, highlighting the need for physicians to consider this when treating patients with conditions that may be impacted by heavy metal exposure.
Family Medicine/General Practice September 6th 2023
Clinical Advisor
Clinical risk scores, as highlighted in a recent study, may provide a valuable tool for physicians in optimizing antibiotic treatment strategies for adult outpatients with cUTIs.
Infectious Diseases August 9th 2023