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Epilepsy Currents
An In-Depth Look into the Neural Underpinnings of Absence Seizures Unveiling the critical insights into the neurophysiology of absence seizures, a new study showcases experimental designs that link rodent absence seizures to human equivalents, underpinning the potential for tailored therapeutic strategies in future epilepsy research. Key Points: Additional Points: “This paper is significant for identifying SWD-associated changes in fMRI BOLD responses, demonstrating SWD-associated altered awareness and identifying 4 distinct and stable functional classes of neurons. These findings will advance the discovery of new pharmacological and network stimulation treatments in rodent models of generalized epilepsy for translation to human patients.” Martin J. Gallagher MD, PhD, Department of Neurology, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine
Neurology June 13th 2023
Decoding the Interplay of Fasting, mTOR, and Seizure Control This article illuminates the critical function of fasting and mTOR regulation in the treatment of epilepsy by delving into the intricate molecular processes.
Neurology June 6th 2023
Dive into the intriguing findings from the PEACH trial on prophylactic levetiracetam for seizure prevention in intracerebral haemorrhage patients. The PEACH trial aimed to test prophylactic levetiracetam for seizure prevention in acute intracerebral haemorrhage (ICH) patients. Early seizures within seven days of stroke onset occur in almost 30% of patients. However, current guidelines lack strategies to manage this issue. Despite being prematurely stopped, the trial showed promise. In this double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled trial, 50 patients received either levetiracetam or a placebo. Clinical or electrographic seizures were seen in 16% of levetiracetam patients and 43% of placebo patients within 72 hours. Interestingly, these seizures were only electrographic. Adverse events included headaches and pain, but no treatment-related deaths were reported. The findings suggest levetiracetam may prevent acute seizures in ICH patients, but larger studies are needed. Acute seizures can lead to increased morbidity and mortality. The trial found fewer seizures within 72 hours of study inclusion in the levetiracetam group. This is promising, but more research is required. This study opens avenues for further investigation. It raises questions about early detection of interictal epileptiform activity and the need for prophylactic levetiracetam. It also underscores the need to understand which factors influence seizure […]
Internal Medicine May 23rd 2023
Based on previously found and published population pharmacokinetic models, Monte Carlo simulation was used to investigate corrective dosing regimens. The delayed time, predetermined dose interval, and half-life of the antiseizure medicine were strongly linked with the suggested treatment regimens. Additionally, there were differences between the best treatment plans for adult and pediatric patients. The treatment plans may also be influenced by renal function and concurrent medications that affect the antiseizure drug’s clearance. A user-defined module with all parameters that could be configured flexibly by the user was also established in order to provide tailored remedial regimens for the delayed or missing dose. Both of these tools are web-based dashboards.
Neurology May 2nd 2023
AI has exploded onto the scene in society, business, science, and medicine. At the same time, there are now decades of data from brain surgeries for DRE to train the programs. This confluence suggests that applications for precision epilepsy surgery may be here soon.
It is generally agreed that sudden unexpected death in epilepsy could be averted if the patient could be rapidly ventilated following the seizure. Diaphragmatic pacing is a surgical intervention used in spinal cord injury, sleep apnea, and similar causes of ventilatory failure. In this mouse model, all of the animals receiving the intervention survived, compared with death in most of the animals in the control arm of the study.
Neurology April 3rd 2023