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Oncology News Central (ONC)
A small study on a pancreatic cancer vaccine has shown promising results, sparking cautious optimism among oncologists. The vaccine, when given alongside chemotherapy to 16 pancreatic cancer patients, stimulated an immune response in half of them, with no signs of disease recurrence after 18 months. Although the vaccine’s long-term success and market viability are yet to be determined, the study provides valuable insights into targeting pancreatic cancer and the potential use of the immune system in treating various types of tumors. Notably, the study demonstrates the feasibility of developing a personalized vaccine quickly enough to make a difference, utilizing technologies like inexpensive genome sequencing, AI, and mRNA. Additionally, the research suggests that an mRNA vaccine can generate an immune response even in cancers with few mutations, suggesting broader applications for personalized cancer vaccines. The study underscores the importance of early diagnosis and intervention for pancreatic cancer. Currently, pancreatic cancer has a five-year survival rate of just 12%, making it one of the deadliest cancers. By 2030, it is projected to become the second leading cause of cancer deaths in the US. However, recent advancements offer hope. Another study utilizing artificial intelligence analyzed medical records of millions of patients and identified […]
Oncology, Medical May 22nd 2023
Medical Professionals Reference (MPR)
The FDA has granted clearance for Casana’s Heart Seat™ toilet seat to be used in homes for monitoring heart rate and oxygen saturation (SpO2) in adults aged 22 and above, weighing between 90 and 350 pounds. The toilet seat is equipped with sensors that can measure these vital signs and transmit the data to the Casana Cloud automatically. Healthcare providers can then access the data generated by three sensors: a ballistocardiogram, which measures heart mechanical activity; an electrocardiogram, which measures heart electrical activity; and a photoplethysmogram, which detects blood volume changes. A study assessing the accuracy of the seat demonstrated consistent measurements of blood pressure, stroke volume, and blood oxygenation compared to a hospital-grade vital signs monitor. Casana intends to conduct further testing and plans to submit an application to the FDA this year to include additional clinical measurements, such as blood pressure monitoring. The Heart Seat is expected to be available by the end of 2023.
Cardiology May 18th 2023
Emergency Physicians Monthly
In this video, Zack Shinar, MD, discusses the future of cardiac arrest and the role of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) in the emergency department (ED). Dr. Shinar is a leading expert in ECMO and has been instrumental in developing new protocols for its use in the ED. Dr. Shinar begins by discussing the current state of CPR. He notes that CPR is only effective in about 10% of cases, and that even when it is successful, patients often suffer significant brain damage. He then discusses ECMO, which is a life-support machine that can oxygenate the blood outside of the body. ECMO has been shown to be effective in saving the lives of patients with cardiac arrest, and Dr. Shinar believes that it should be used more widely in the ED. Dr. Shinar then discusses the challenges of using ECMO in the ED. He notes that ECMO is a complex procedure that requires specialized training and equipment. He also notes that ECMO can be expensive, and that it is not always available in all hospitals.
HIT Consultant
Kahun, an evidence-based clinical reasoning tool for physicians, announced it is integrating its AI chatbot for physicians with ChatGPT, an open-source AI chatbot platform. This integration will allow Kahun to leverage ChatGPT’s advanced Large Language Model (LLM) capabilities to improve the patient experience and clinical outcomes. By integrating ChatGPT with its AI chatbot, Kahun will be able to offer patients a more personalized and engaging experience. The chatbot will be able to understand patients’ unique needs and preferences, and it will be able to provide them with the information and support they need to make informed decisions about their care. In addition, the chatbot will be able to identify patients who are at risk for complications, and it will be able to provide them with the necessary interventions to prevent these complications from occurring.
Oncology, Medical May 16th 2023
Epilepsy Currents
AI has exploded onto the scene in society, business, science, and medicine. At the same time, there are now decades of data from brain surgeries for DRE to train the programs. This confluence suggests that applications for precision epilepsy surgery may be here soon.
Neurology May 2nd 2023
Global Health Journal (GHJ)
This synopsis and overview of current research in nanotechnology in medicine is aimed at helping researchers, engineers, and scientists – and is of interest to the clinician as well.
All Specialties April 26th 2023