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Healthgrades for Professionals
Inaccurate forecasts resulted in the opening of very few new medical schools between the late 1970s and early 2000s. Now, although med school class sizes have increased by about 30% over the last two decades, that increase isn’t enough to address the number of positions needed to accommodate the number of applicants or the number of physicians needed in the US.
All Specialties May 9th 2023
Northwestern Medicine
Advancing kidney health. Nanoscience. Bioanalytics. Biomaterials. Fighting pediatric leukemias. What’s the common thread? They describe the areas of research focus for four electees to AAAS this year.
All Specialties May 2nd 2023
The first increase in federally financed graduate medical education (GME) in 25 years was approved by Congress in December of 2020. The law was included in the 2021 Consolidated Appropriations Act for the year’s end. The law sets financing for 200 new GME positions each year for a total of 1,000 more GME roles to be developed over a five-year period. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) announced the first 200 GME roles in January 2023. A total of 100 teaching hospitals from 30 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico will receive the slots. The roles are in place as of July 1, 2023.
All Specialties May 1st 2023
Global Health Journal (GHJ)
This synopsis and overview of current research in nanotechnology in medicine is aimed at helping researchers, engineers, and scientists – and is of interest to the clinician as well.
All Specialties April 26th 2023
The new transistor technology could solve the problem that electrochemical signaling is typically too weak to monitor effectively. Current sensors have such low signal strength that it is impossible to monitor tissue responses in real time. Instead, blood samples or biopsies are used. The new technology lays a foundation for real time noninvasive, highly sensitive monitoring.
Healthcare IT News
Orthopedic surgeon Dr. Ahmed Siddiqi wanted to find a better approach to postoperative monitoring – one that came closer to direct, continuous visibility of patient progress during recovery – while reducing the burden on patients and the management team. His new digital care solution enabled his team to provide long-term remote patient monitoring while directly communicating with all patients. The platform’s remote therapeutic monitoring (RTM) module helps the team meet the minimum engagement and data submission requirements to be eligible for RTM coverage.