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Explore a comprehensive look at gabapentin, its mechanisms, widespread uses, potential side effects, and crucial factors to consider for ensuring patient safety and treatment efficacy.
All Specialties July 5th 2023
As we navigate the digital age, the authenticity of online identities, especially within the medical field, is becoming increasingly critical. Learn more about the disturbing trend of online physician impersonation, its potential legal consequences, and how it’s threatening patient safety and medical trust.
All Specialties June 14th 2023
Clinical Advisor
Medication Prescribing Error: A Medical Malpractice Case with Tragic Consequences In an evolving healthcare ecosystem, the need for rigorous medication dosing protocols based on patient-specific conditions is underlined in a recent medical malpractice case involving a nurse practitioner and an unfortunate prescription error.
All Specialties June 6th 2023
Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice
Unraveling Patient Perspectives on DOAC Safety: Key Findings and Implications for Healthcare Practice A recent study that delves into the complex interactions of direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs) usage offers insightful information about patient experiences and suggests ways to increase patients’ safety and adherence.
Cardiology June 6th 2023
Journal of Pharmacy Practice (JPP)
Investigating how an insulin bolus affects the management of diabetic ketoacidosis reveals startling new information. In the diabetes field, experts widely use insulin as a core treatment for diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA). However, the debate over the best dosage and method of administration, specifically concerning the use of an initial insulin bolus, continues. This study evaluates the safety and effectiveness of this insulin bolus in DKA treatment. Employing a retrospective chart review, researchers examined patient outcomes for DKA treatment with and without an insulin bolus. They included 59 patients in the bolus group, and 108 in the non-bolus group. The study primarily tracked whether the administration of insulin had to be interrupted, or if patients experienced hypoglycemia or hypokalemia within eight hours of starting insulin. Comparing baseline characteristics, the groups showed no significant differences. Most patients exhibited mild DKA. Results revealed that adverse effects—particularly hypokalemia—occurred significantly more often in the bolus group (45.8% versus 25%, P = .003). Additionally, while time to anion gap closure was shorter in the bolus group, this did not reach statistical significance (6:39 versus 9:00, P = .063). Similarly, non-significant differences emerged in time to discontinuation of insulin infusion and time to ICU and hospital discharge. […]
Clinical Pharmacology May 31st 2023
Pain Medicine News
Dive into the essence of AANA’s updated guidelines for obstetric anesthesia and analgesia as we spotlight its focus on health equity and safety in maternal care. Commencing with the unveiling of the revised practice guidelines for obstetric anesthesia and analgesia, the American Association of Nurse Anesthesiology (AANA) has emphasized enhancing patient care and safety. Interestingly, these updates also strive to tackle the critical issue of enduring health disparities in the United States. The AANA firmly believes in the power of certified registered nurse anesthetists (CRNAs) to help curb maternal mortality rates. The primary strategy focuses on mitigating racial and ethnic imbalances in pregnancy-related deaths. Beth Ann Clayton, DNP, CRNA, FAANA, FAAN, the key subject matter expert behind the revisions, underscores these inequalities as significant barriers to optimal maternal care. Using an evidence-based process, the AANA revised the guidelines, paying careful attention to current research. They’ve prioritized enhancing the readability of the content, updating the quality of references, and broadening their scope to encompass the most recent recommendations on obstetric analgesia and anesthesia care. The notable alterations include the broadening of analgesia and anesthesia considerations for labor and delivery. This expansion encompasses inhalation analgesia, neuraxial analgesia, general anesthesia, and an updated […]
Anesthesiology May 24th 2023