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This review sheds light on the complex role of daridorexant in treating insomnia, examining its potential suicidal risk and the need for more comprehensive data to completely understand its impact on mental health.
Neurology July 19th 2023
Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine (CCJM)
As we continue to improve the sensitivity of breast imaging, the need for surgical excision of benign proliferative lesions diagnosed on core needle biopsy remains a contentious topic, calling for careful examination of acceptable excision thresholds, patient preferences, and potential disparities in care.
Oncology, Surgical July 10th 2023
British Medical Journal (The BMJ)
Examine how programs like Hospital at Home are changing the face of healthcare, providing acute treatment outside of hospitals, enhancing patient outcomes, and ushering in a new era of patient-centered care.
All Specialties July 6th 2023
Review of Optometric Business
Learn how leveraging telemedicine and after-hours care can turn emergency calls into an opportunity for practice growth. Discover the benefits of an efficient call-forwarding system and how building a robust referral network can expand your patient base.
Optometry June 26th 2023
Explore how locum tenens can offer a unique blend of professional flexibility and adventure for physicians, while being aware of the need for careful contract negotiation and self-insurance.
All Specialties June 21st 2023
Epilepsy Currents
Uncover the potential link between antiepileptic drug use and Parkinson’s disease incidence; join the discussion to decipher the results of this groundbreaking case-control study and explore the future of epilepsy treatment.
Neurology June 21st 2023