HCN Essentials: GERD Diet | Changes to Diabetes Screening | A “Fed-Up” DoctorOctober 19, 2021 | Trending in Healthcare Endocrinology, Diabetes, Metabolism USPSTF Makes ‘Huge’ Change to Prediabetes, Diabetes Screening Recommendations for Adults Research shows that the “old” 2015 recommendation would only identify about half of Americans with prediabetes and undiagnosed type 2 diabetes. Based on this data, the US Preventive Services Task Force has lowered the recommended screening age from 40 to 35 years in asymptomatic, nonpregnant adults who are overweight or obese. Read full article Allergy & Immunology Sorry, I’m Fed Up. It’s Not Professional, But I Am. An OBGYN voices frustration — “silently cursing behind my mask” – with the patients who “recite a litany of scientifically illiterate reasons for not taking” the COVID-19 vaccine despite its 99%+ effectiveness in keeping them alive. Do you share this doctor’s sentiments? Read full article Cardiology GERD Diet: Foods that Will Help with Acid Reflux (Heartburn) Johns Hopkins assembled this list of not just foods that contribute to symptomatic chronic reflux, but also of foods that can reduce and prevent reflux. The former includes some obvious suspects such as pizza and potato chips, with high fiber foods, watery treats, and alkaline snacks making up the preventative, providing your patients with some tasty and sensible replacements. Read full article