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Essential Medical Reading

Your Weekly Roundup of the Most-Read News and Clinical References from Your Peers

Journal of Clinical Oncology

TBCRC 048: Phase II Study of Olaparib for Metastatic Breast Cancer and Mutations in Homologous Recombination-Related Genes

Hematology November 9th 2020

Three-Drug Combination Induces Deep Remission in Treatment-Naive, R/R CLL

Hematology November 9th 2020

Healthgrades for Professionals

7 Time-Saving Tips for Doctors

Allergy & Immunology November 9th 2020

Mayo Clinic

A Case-Based Workshop: Clinical and Laboratory Aspects of Hemophilia and Thrombosis

Hematology November 2nd 2020

Green Tea, Coffee, and Mortality Risk in T2DM

Endocrinology, Diabetes, Metabolism November 2nd 2020

COVID Fallout: A Cancer Pandemic Predicted in the Coming Years

Hematology November 2nd 2020

Tags: COVID-19