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Addiction Professional
This 15-year multicohort survey of legal and illicit drug use among teens found that middle schools and high schools with higher levels of prescription stimulant therapy for ADHD tended to have the highest rates of prescription stimulant misuse. Other discovered associations included more parents with higher levels of education, non-Northeastern location, and more non-Hispanic White students.
Pediatrics May 2nd 2023
Boston’s Children’s Hospital
This course is intended to provide information from an unbiased viewpoint on managing headaches while treating Chiari malformation with either medication or surgical therapy. This course will combine lectures, patient insights, and expert panels. It will be offered in person, digitally through Microsoft Teams, and on-demand for all paid attendees for one month following the conference. After completing this course, participants will be able to identify more precise headache care techniques and understand when surgery is necessary, use logic and reason when treating patients with Chiari malformation and headaches, and determine the prevalence of headaches and Chiari malformation in the general population.
Neurology May 1st 2023
Medical Professionals Reference (MPR)
The approval was based on results from a 24-week open-label, two-part phase 3 trial that assessed Trikafta’s effectiveness and safety in 75 CF patients having at least one F508del mutation or a mutation known to be responsive to Trikafta. According to the findings, patients’ sweat chloride concentration and lung clearance index decreased in a clinically significant way. Trikafta therapy was typically well tolerated and commensurate with results seen in individuals who were older.
Clinical Pharmacology April 27th 2023
British Medical Journal (The BMJ)
With suicide being the fourth-highest cause of death among young people globally, and the third-highest cause in the US, improved identification, prevention, and treatment strategies are critically needed. This review focuses on the epidemiology and prevention of suicide among young people, focusing on strategies for clinical settings and schools.
Family Medicine/General Practice April 25th 2023
Neurology Learning Network
Disordered breathing in sleep affects about 12% of children and can affect cognitive function, behavior, and cardiovascular health. What’s the current recommendation for first-line therapy and how does it stack up versus emerging research?
Neurology April 3rd 2023
This activity aims to educate the multidisciplinary care team treating pediatric ADHD, including psychiatrists, pediatricians, PCPs, pharmacists, and dietitians/nutritionists. After completion, participants will be better able to describe the role of dietary deficiencies of essential fatty acids (EFAs) and genetic variants of metabolism in the pathophysiology of ADHD; review the most recent data on the safety and efficacy of supplementation with EFAs for ADHD management in children and adolescents; differentiate dietary supplements from medical foods; and create personalized nutritional therapy plans for ADHD patients by considering the individual needs of each patient and the differences among available dietary products.
Clinical Pharmacology March 31st 2023