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Pfizer’s diabetes drug, danuglipron, demonstrates comparable weight loss to Novo Nordisk’s Ozempic in a recent mid-stage trial. Explore how this breakthrough could shape the future of type 2 diabetes treatment and weight loss market.
Endocrinology, Diabetes, Metabolism June 14th 2023
Diabetes Care
Explore four decades of research illustrating the biphasic growth patterns in fetuses of diabetic and obese women, an essential yet overlooked factor in preventing childhood obesity. The comprehensive findings may redefine your approach to perinatal care and shape healthier futures for your patients.
Addressing the Underrecognized Issue of Male Osteoporosis: Evidence-based Strategies for Improved Detection and Management As the elderly population increases, osteoporosis in men, a condition often underdiagnosed and overlooked, is gaining significant prominence in public health. This self-learning activity enables healthcare professionals to gain critical insight into this issue and empower them with the latest evidence-based preventive and therapeutic strategies.
Clinical Pharmacology June 7th 2023
Medical Professionals Reference (MPR)
FDA Cautions Against Hidden Drug Ingredients in Joint Pain Supplements In response to recent findings, the FDA warns of significant health risks associated with three specific dietary supplements marketed for joint pain and rheumatoid arthritis relief due to the discovery of unlisted active pharmaceutical ingredients.
Anesthesiology June 6th 2023
Journal of Pharmacy Practice (JPP)
Investigating how an insulin bolus affects the management of diabetic ketoacidosis reveals startling new information. In the diabetes field, experts widely use insulin as a core treatment for diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA). However, the debate over the best dosage and method of administration, specifically concerning the use of an initial insulin bolus, continues. This study evaluates the safety and effectiveness of this insulin bolus in DKA treatment. Employing a retrospective chart review, researchers examined patient outcomes for DKA treatment with and without an insulin bolus. They included 59 patients in the bolus group, and 108 in the non-bolus group. The study primarily tracked whether the administration of insulin had to be interrupted, or if patients experienced hypoglycemia or hypokalemia within eight hours of starting insulin. Comparing baseline characteristics, the groups showed no significant differences. Most patients exhibited mild DKA. Results revealed that adverse effects—particularly hypokalemia—occurred significantly more often in the bolus group (45.8% versus 25%, P = .003). Additionally, while time to anion gap closure was shorter in the bolus group, this did not reach statistical significance (6:39 versus 9:00, P = .063). Similarly, non-significant differences emerged in time to discontinuation of insulin infusion and time to ICU and hospital discharge. […]
Clinical Pharmacology May 31st 2023
DDW News
Let’s delve into the groundbreaking application of endoscopic electroporation and semaglutide that’s changing the game in diabetes management. First off, the EMINENT study is unveiling a revolutionary approach in treating type 2 diabetes. This method combines endoscopic electroporation, known as ReCET, with the medication semaglutide. The main goal is to reduce or potentially eliminate the need for insulin, revolutionizing glycemic control. The innovative ReCET procedure employs electroporation to ablate the superficial layer of mucosa in the small intestine. Researchers hope that by rejuvenating the duodenal lining and employing a GLP-1 receptor agonist, they could address insulin resistance, the fundamental problem in type 2 diabetes. Interestingly, ReCET doesn’t use extreme temperatures to ablate intestinal tissue. Rather, it uses a pulsed electric field, yielding precise control and limited depth of penetration. This method disrupts the cellular membrane of the mucosa and superficial submucosa, triggering natural cell death within a day, thereby significantly minimizing the risk of complications. A single-arm pilot study conducted as part of EMINENT involved 14 patients with type 2 diabetes using long-acting basal insulin. All patients underwent the ReCET procedure and started on semaglutide two weeks later. Researchers noted the feasibility and safety of ReCET, with a 100% success […]
Endocrinology, Diabetes, Metabolism May 24th 2023