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Parkinson’s News Today
Athira’s safety and efficacy trial, geared for 75 patients, will run with a smaller-than-planned 28 patient study population. The trial is for the small molecule fosgonimeton, an activator of the HGF/MET pathway, postulated to offer neuroprotective effects to improve brain function in patients with Parkinson’s dementia.
Neurology April 3rd 2023
A blood test focusing on a set of eight autoantibody markers was 97% effective in detecting the presence of Alzheimer’s disease-related pathology up to 10 years before onset of clinical symptoms. According to the investigators, “this is the first blood test to accurately detect Alzheimer’s-related pathology several years before either clinical symptoms or more expensive and invasive tests can identify the disease.”
Healthgrades for Professionals
Drawing from animal evidence that aging and metabolic dysfunction result in depletion of NAD+ within neurons, B3 supplementation of 500mg BID for 6 weeks was studied as a means of increasing available NAD+. As published in Nature, a small but significant increase in NAD+ available to neurons was seen with B3 supplementation.
Neurology March 29th 2023
Alzheimer’s News Today
Two-hundred sixteen (216) people with mild-to-moderate disease were treated with 100 mg simufilam tablets twice daily for 12 months. ADAS-Cog-11 score showed a “highly desirable” overall minimal decline in cognitive ability after one year. Simufilam is an oral small molecule designed to to prevent beta and tau amyloid clumping by correctong an altered form of filamin A.
Top-line data from an open-label Phase 2 study of 216 people with mild-to-moderate Alzheimer’s disease treated with simufilam tablets at 100 mg twice daily for a year revealed a minimal decline in cognitive ability overall, as measured by the Alzheimer’s Disease Assessment Scale-Cognitive Subscale (ADAS-Cog-11). Simufilam was found to be safe and well tolerated, and it alleviated depression and dementia-related behaviors in patients, which were two exploratory trial goals.
Neurology March 22nd 2023
These researchers explain that long-term high fructose intake sustains our primal foraging response, which causes the brain to constantly seek high fat, sugary, and salty foods. When constantly fed, this response can ultimately lead to neural inflammation, creating the conditions that lead to Alzheimer’s.
Psychiatry March 8th 2023