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GoodRx for Healthcare Professionals
Blood clots manifest differently in each patient, with symptoms ranging from severe back pain to unexplained bloating, challenging standard diagnostic approaches.
Hematology December 3rd 2024
Medical News Today (MNT)
Clinical research demonstrates that erythritol consumption increases blood levels by more than 1,000 times and enhances platelet responsiveness in healthy volunteers, potentially elevating cardiovascular risk in susceptible populations.
Cardiology October 28th 2024
Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine (CCJM)
In the complex landscape of post-cardiac surgery care, the incidence of new-onset PCSAF presents a significant challenge, necessitating a judicious approach to anticoagulation to prevent thromboembolic events while minimizing bleeding risks.
Cardiology February 14th 2024
Navigating the Interplay of Eliquis and Dietary Habits As physicians, understanding the nuances of apixaban (Eliquis) and its interaction with diet is crucial for optimal patient care. While taking Eliquis, there are no specific foods to avoid, but people with cardiovascular issues should steer clear of coffee and foods heavy in fat.
Cardiology June 6th 2023
Because each patient reports unique challenges, there is no “one size fits all” approach to managing cancer-associated venous thrombosis (CAT). Thrombosis is a complication that HCPs are not recognizing early enough in the face of multiple options for appropriately treating and managing CAT; additionally, there is a lack of awareness of new CAT management clinical data. Although the morbidity and mortality of VTE in cancer patients remain high, unfortunately, its management is not given the same priority. And although recommendations suggest an individualized approach to managing these patients, clinical practice adoption is slow. Published guidelines and clinical trial data do not always correspond to real-world practice and prescribing practices. As a result, many existing CAT management protocols must be updated as new guidance is warranted.
Oncology, Medical April 3rd 2023