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ACP Internist
This 28-year-old man with hypertension and diabetes works two jobs, says he does not have time to exercise, takes most of his meals from fast-food restaurants, and is unhappy with his lifestyle. What would you recommend?
Cardiology April 5th 2023
Healthgrades for Professionals
Beyond weight issues, soda-drinking increases risks for hypertension, osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and more. Check out the seven top soda-related health concerns here.
All Specialties April 3rd 2023
This activity aims to educate the multidisciplinary care team treating pediatric ADHD, including psychiatrists, pediatricians, PCPs, pharmacists, and dietitians/nutritionists. After completion, participants will be better able to describe the role of dietary deficiencies of essential fatty acids (EFAs) and genetic variants of metabolism in the pathophysiology of ADHD; review the most recent data on the safety and efficacy of supplementation with EFAs for ADHD management in children and adolescents; differentiate dietary supplements from medical foods; and create personalized nutritional therapy plans for ADHD patients by considering the individual needs of each patient and the differences among available dietary products.
Clinical Pharmacology March 31st 2023
Epilepsy Currents
In this study of 243 adolescent and adult patients, addition of Modified Atkins Diet (MAD) to standard drug therapy netted seizure reduction of >50% in 26% of patients in the intervention arm versus 2.5% in the control group.
Family Medicine/General Practice March 14th 2023
These researchers explain that long-term high fructose intake sustains our primal foraging response, which causes the brain to constantly seek high fat, sugary, and salty foods. When constantly fed, this response can ultimately lead to neural inflammation, creating the conditions that lead to Alzheimer’s.
Psychiatry March 8th 2023
Some cans of Bumble Bee, Chicken of the Sea, StarKist, Safe Catch, and Wild Planet tuna contained higher than usual mercury levels, despite the average level being within standards.
All Specialties March 7th 2023