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Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine (CCJM)
Recent studies challenge the traditional view of venous thromboembolism as a direct cause of unexplained fevers, emphasizing the need for comprehensive diagnostic evaluations.
Emergency Medicine January 11th 2024
GoodRx for Healthcare Professionals
In addition to reducing local pain and inflammation, gargling with a salt-water solution may eliminate bacteria and virus through dilution and expulsion and also through the local pH changes it causes.
Dentistry March 20th 2023
ACP Internist
This 33-year-old man reports no other symptoms, and he isn’t on any medication. Medical history is unremarkable. CBC and comprehensive profile are normal, as are serum alpha-fetoprotein and beta-HCG. CT scans reveal bulky diffuse adenopathy. A cervical node biopsy showed poorly differentiated carcinoma. What is the appropriate therapy?
Family Medicine/General Practice February 15th 2023
Manuka honey contains amino acids, B-vitamins, calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, potassium, sodium, and zinc. It has antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties. Besides use in wound infection, it may be useful in treating some GI disorders and sore throats.
Family Medicine/General Practice November 29th 2022
85-year-old woman with Hx of stage 3 chronic kidney disease New onset dyspnea and intermittent mild fever Slight difficulty opening her mouth; no dental caries or cervical lymphadenopathy Elevated CRP Elevated BUN Follow the case as it develops.
Family Medicine/General Practice September 13th 2022
This case study describes an adult man with a history of diabetes and hypertension presenting with painful lesions on his arms and legs. The description covers the course of his workup for presumptive infectious dermatitis through differential diagnosis when the infectious disease workup revealed sterile lesions, to the final diagnosis of Sweet syndrome (acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis).
Dermatology August 4th 2022