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Older adults with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) represent a vulnerable population in whom disease-based and clinical risk factors, patient goals, prognosis, and practitioner- and patient-perceived treatment risks and benefits influence treatment recommendations. Discover what the American Society of Hematology (ASH) recommends for your older adult AML patients.
Geriatrics August 10th 2020
Published in JCO Clinical Practice and developed by a working group of seven experts in oncology pharmacy practice, the guidelines outline 26 recommendations covering the use of anticancer medications, from proper staff hygiene and safety to how to conduct clinical trials.
Hematology July 20th 2020
Published on the AUA website and developed by a panel of experts from these three groups as well as representation from the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) and a patient advocate, 38 recommendations are listed across the care continuum of advanced disease.
Geriatrics July 6th 2020
Published in Practical Radiation Oncology, the recommendations from the American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) are based on a systematic literature review, consensus, and system for grading evidence quality and recommendation strength.
Hematology June 22nd 2020
After tobacco use and excess body weight, alcohol consumption is the third major modifiable cancer risk factor. In its latest guidelines, the American Cancer Society has tightened its grip on its recommendations, basically telling people not to drink alcohol at all if they want to prevent cancer risk.
Family Medicine/General Practice June 15th 2020