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Alcohol May Be More Risky to the Heart Than Previously Thought

Cardiology May 31st 2022

Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine

Managing stage 1 hypertension: Consider the risks, stop the progression

Cardiology May 17th 2022

ACP Internist

MKSAP Quiz: Syncopal and Near-Fainting Events

Cardiology February 15th 2022

Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine

A Reasonable Approach to Orthostatic Hypotension

Cardiology January 25th 2022

Medical Professionals Reference (MPR)

Hypertension Journal Study: Evaluating ARBs vs. ACE Inhibitors Safety Outcomes

Cardiology August 3rd 2021

Certain Antihypertensive Drugs Yield Less Memory Decline in Older Adults

Cardiology July 13th 2021

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