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The Institute of Medicine (IOM) has laid a crucial foundation in understanding medical errors. In their transformative report, they found that systems failure is frequently the culprit behind medical errors. The report highlighted that medical errors account for 98,000 deaths per year, while up to 220,000 lives could be saved annually if we address these errors. Recognizing the importance of risk management, healthcare organizations are taking strides to pinpoint, assess, and control risk and potential liability exposure. Considering the pivotal role that nurses play in risk management daily, it’s crucial that you are well informed about common patient safety risks, the reasons for medical errors, and how to reduce risk. The primary aim of this course is to deepen your understanding as a nursing professional in acute care of risk management. The course also equips you with practical risk-reduction tools to minimize your exposure to professional liability. Once you have completed this course, you should be equipped to: Be at the forefront of reducing medical errors and enhancing patient safety. By expanding your knowledge and skills in risk management, you can make a significant difference in patient outcomes and the healthcare landscape as a whole.
Nursing May 30th 2023
TikTok is more than a potential security liability. It is also a valuable tool used by HCPs and their patients. A full ban would mean patients would lose access to useful health information. It also means loss of income and reach for some HCPs, and the ability to fight against misinformation.
All Specialties April 25th 2023
Journal of Parkinson’s Disease (JPD)
Genetic mutations, head trauma, and other PD causes are well known or easily identified. However, these causes and risk factors cannot account for the majority of cases. This six-atom molecule that can decaffeinate coffee, degrease metals, and dry clean clothes was identified as a possible PD contributor as early as 1969.
Neurology March 29th 2023
Boston’s Children’s Hospital
Innovative and creative Risky Business events emphasize risk management, patient safety, and safety awareness. To enable all of their colleagues to work in a safer environment, they continuously “raise the bar” by exchanging safety ideas and experiences across industries. The integration of experiences from speakers representing a wide range of non-healthcare businesses into a coherent narrative and actionable results is a crucial component of Risky Business. In this two-hour video webinar taking place on Thursday, January 12 from 10:00 AM to noon , the panelists will talk about a wide range of topics, including systemic problems, workforce implications, community needs, and what industry experts are doing to address the situation. To address challenges of capacity and resource strain, they will examine cutting-edge digital technology and government and healthcare system collaboration.
Family Medicine/General Practice January 10th 2023