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ACP Internist
Updated recommendations include EGD with multiple duodenal biopsies, setting intestinal healing as the goal for gluten-free diet, and use of gluten-free oats in some populations. There wasn’t evidence to support routine use of probiotics or use of gluten detection devices.
Gastroenterology January 25th 2023
On exam, this 19-year-old woman has malar rash characterized by pink-violet papules and plaques with no other physical finding. ANA is positive and urinalysis is remarkable for 3+ blood and protein. What test is the most appropriate next step?
Dermatology January 25th 2023
Annals of Internal Medicine
A layered approach to care is described with lifestyle interventions being a key feature of the updated recommendations. The recommendations now include therapies proven to improve cardiovascular and kidney outcomes in patients with diabetes and CKD.
Cardiology January 19th 2023
Medical Professionals Reference (MPR)
Sunlenca (lenacapavir), which comes in 300 mg tablets and a 463.5 mg/1.5 mL injection, provides doctors with a long-needed twice-yearly option for patients with complicated past treatment histories who would otherwise have few treatment options.
Allergy & Immunology January 11th 2023
The New England Journal of Medicine
Are the findings a result of bacterial endocarditis? Resurgent sarcoidosis? An opportunistic fungal pulmonary invasion? Review the workup and cast your vote on what you think the diagnosis is.
Allergy & Immunology December 7th 2022
Manuka honey contains amino acids, B-vitamins, calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, potassium, sodium, and zinc. It has antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties. Besides use in wound infection, it may be useful in treating some GI disorders and sore throats.
Family Medicine/General Practice November 29th 2022