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Journal of Clinical Oncology
An update of Simone’s Maxims that include the lived experiences of medical professionals who identify as women, under-represented groups in medicine (UrIM), or who have several underrepresented identities and who face many hurdles in academic medicine is necessary in light of the realities of contemporary medicine.
Oncology, Medical October 3rd 2022
JCO Oncology Practice (JCO OP)
More than one-third of US hematologists and oncologists and one-quarter of all practicing doctors in the US are international medical graduates (IMGs). IMGs, which include both US citizens and legal permanent residents as well as foreigners, are classified as doctors who have completed medical school outside of the US and Canada. IMGs frequently encounter considerable obstacles when applying for fellowships and residencies.
Hematology September 26th 2022
ACP Hospitalist
There are other methods to push learners, according to hospitalist Dr. Benjamin Kinnear. “If you want to make them feel more stressed, give them more difficult assignments or test their clinical judgment; don’t try to make them feel challenged by making them feel inferior.”
All Specialties August 22nd 2022
Neurology Advisor
Since 1972, clinicians have used the Cookie Theft image to assist them diagnose speech and language problems as well as spatial and visual anomalies. However, a position presented in the Journal of the American Medical Association – Neurology suggests that frequent exposure to the Cookie Theft image may reduce patients’ self-confidence and undermine their sense of belonging and trust.
Neurology August 8th 2022
Anesthesiology News
“Just an anesthesiologist.” This retired doctor speaks about the country’s lack of understanding of this medical profession. Why? In a recent survey, the general public was asked whether anesthesiologists are physicians: A full 22% of respondents answered incorrectly and 8% were unsure.
Anesthesiology July 26th 2022
Some physicians believe that Gleason 6 should be reclassified as something other than cancer, which could be a valid argument because Gleason 6 isn’t going to cause any harm and therefore can be safely observed. This commentary provides arguments as to why that reclassification idea is a flawed concept.
Oncology, Medical July 18th 2022