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Medical Professionals Reference (MPR)
Discover the potential of xanthine dehydrogenase/oxidase blockers, such as allopurinol, in reducing the risk of neurodegenerative diseases. This large-scale study reveals intriguing associations and sets the stage for future research.
Clinical Pharmacology June 30th 2023
Aldeyra’s reproxalap shows considerable promise as a breakthrough treatment for ocular surface inflammatory conditions, highlighting its potential in addressing a significant unmet need in the field of optometry. Explore these groundbreaking clinical trial results.
Optometry June 26th 2023
An experimental drug called 32-134D shows promise in preventing or slowing vision loss in individuals with diabetes, according to a study conducted by researchers at the Wilmer Eye Institute, Johns Hopkins Medicine. The study, which utilized mouse models, human retinal organoids, and eye cell lines, focused on proliferative diabetic retinopathy and diabetic macular edema. The findings, published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation, indicate that 32-134D reduced levels of a protein called HIF, which is responsible for diabetic retinal vascular disease. The drug was found to be safer than another HIF-targeting treatment under investigation. Dr. Akrit Sodhi, the author of the study, emphasizes the drug’s well-tolerated nature and its ability to effectively reduce HIF levels in diseased eyes. Elevated levels of HIF in the eyes lead to increased blood vessel production and leakage in the retina, contributing to vision loss. The researchers tested 32-134D on human retinal cell lines and observed a return to near-normal gene expression levels, halting the creation of new blood vessels and maintaining vascular integrity. The drug was also tested on mouse models, resulting in diminished HIF levels and inhibition of new blood vessel formation and leakage. Remarkably, the drug exhibited active levels in the retina […]
Ophthalmology May 31st 2023