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Medical Professionals Reference (MPR)
Sibutramine, a serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine reuptake inhibitor, can cause an increase in heart rate and blood pressure that may place individuals with cardiovascular disease at risk.
All Specialties February 28th 2023
Multiple Sclerosis News Today
In addition to the improvements in gait and balance, all individuals, including those who combined a Mediterranean diet with a placebo, improved their endurance after four months, according to the pilot study published in Food & Function.
Neurology February 7th 2023
British Medical Journal (The BMJ)
In an analysis of 19 studies across 12 countries involving more than 25,000 participants, individuals in highest 20% bracket for omega 3 levels had 13% less risk for developing CKD compared with participants in the lowest 20% bracket. Results were consistent and independent of subgroup variables of age, GFR, hypertension, CAD, and diabetes.
Gastroenterology January 25th 2023
JAMA Network
Greater adherence to a number of healthy eating patterns was linked to a lower risk of death in this cohort study, which included 44,085 men and 75,230 women from the Health Professionals Follow-Up Study (1986-2020) and the Nurses’ Health Study (1984-2020). These relationships held true for persons who were Hispanic, non-Hispanic Black, and non-Hispanic White, as well as for other racial and ethnic groupings.
All Specialties January 23rd 2023
The purpose of the randomized controlled study was to see what effect the green-MED diet will have on visceral fat tissue. The randomized controlled study, which lasted 18 months, involved 294 participants in all. Three groups of participants were created: the HDG (healthy dietary recommendations), the MED diet, and the green-MED diet. Participants in both MED groups consumed 440 mg of polyphenols and 28 g of walnuts daily. The green-MED group also ingested three to four cups of green tea daily, 100 g of frozen duckweed plant green smoothie, 800 mg of polyphenols daily, and less meat.
Endocrinology, Diabetes, Metabolism January 5th 2023
In a study of more than 800 rural-living men and women with knee osteoarthritis, an 18-month program of diet and exercise versus attention control yielded an average 14-pound greater weight loss in the test group – but not much difference in pain magnitude.
Family Medicine/General Practice January 5th 2023